INFRACAMPUS is an interdisciplinary project initiated by SYN- that explores the social realities and spatial politics of the University of Guelph campus, and proposes the campus as a potential site for experimentation.

How can we engage the campus as a place for fostering new kinds of
actions, social configurations and interrelations in common spaces which question their existing uses and perceptions?

For additional information on the INFRACAMPUS project and to download previous research documents from the Fall 2011 workshops and Spring 2012 studio (PDF):

Initiated in 2011, the INFRACAMPUS project has been developed in three phases by SYN- in collaboration with different individuals and groups at the University of Guelph.

> The first phase consisted of participatory workshops, campus observations, field explorations and conversations that involved students and staff members on the University of Guelph campus in Fall 2011 / Winter 2012. The INFRACAMPUS index was produced as a common working tool and became the basis of research for the INFRACAMPUS Studio. The index was created as a spatial inventory of different conditions identified on the University of Guelph's architectural environment.

> During the second phase, SYN- offered a four-week accredited studio course during Spring 2012, in collaboration with Associate Professor Lise Burcher and the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development. Students participating in this course individually and collectively investigated a diversity of spatial and circumstancial conditions, building on prior research and using the university campus as a starting point to elaborate sets of microactions.

> The third phase consisted of disseminating the research and knowledge produced in the first two phases of INFRACAMPUS to the broader community of students and staff at University of Guelph as well as Guelph residents, through a week-long participatory production of the INFRACAMPUS Zine in Winter 2013. Unforeseeable and exciting content associations were generated during these working sessions by editing crews of students and staff. We anticipate the making of this zine could inspire further creative actions on campus.

INFRACAMPUS was produced in collaboration with Musagetes